Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sweet Pink Gifts for Kylie

Kylie is a baby that is due in July. A friend placed an order for Kylie so she would be prepared for her arrival. The bib is reversal with white pique on one side and light pink chenille on the other. There is nothing sweeter than pink gingham for a precious baby girl.

I am working in VBS this week and am I out of shape! It would take some major work to get back in shape for the regular classroom. It was hard to get this small project done for Kylie this morning. Maybe it is just the heat. LOL

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day is a day we celebrate the lives of our fathers. My dad is no longer with us, but I have great memories.

I must say that today I am thankful for the father that my husband has been to our two daughters. He was and still is always there for them and me as well. When the girls were growing up, I remember he would tell me we have to give them independence along the way. We can't wait until they go off to college. That was hard the first time they drove somewhere by themselves while still in high school. It was wise of him and we now have two very independent daughters. I must say they love their dad and are thankful for the Christian example he has always set for them.

My husband loves sweets, so I made a coco cola chocolate cake from scratch for him to enjoy on his special day.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Kai's Towel

Someone requested that I make a towel for Kai. Kai's dad recently became a fireman so we decided on a firetruck. Hope Kai enjoys his new towel.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I have had some of the prettiest daylilies this year and I just had to share them with you. I don't know if the cold winter had something to do with the pretty blooms or not. In the early morning I look out to see which ones are blooming. I don't know their names anymore, I just enjoy their beauty.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summertime Fun

When you think of summers past, all sorts of things come to mind. One thing for me is family reunions. Well, we went to one on Saturday and had a great time. It reminded me of the book, The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant.

Instead of going over mountains, we traveled country roads in the farmland of eastern Louisiana. It brought back memories of when I was a child. My dad was one of five brothers. All the brothers lived in Louisiana, except one who lived in New Mexico. When that brother came in we all gathered to visit at my grandparent's house. It was much the same this time. We all gathered because our cousin from New Mexico was coming in for a visit. All the brothers are deceased, but we still came together for a wonderful time. The family gathering had grown from 32 to 94. We played under a giant magnolia tree when we were children, but we sat and visited under a huge tent this time. Might I say the large fans were welcomed additions at this point of our lives and having it catered was great.

Thanks to our aunt and cousin who made this a great event. We appreciate all your hard work.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Frogs for Len Part 2

I shared with you in another post about a friend's grandson, Len. The grandmother wanted some bibs and burp cloths personalized for him and did I have fun doing it. Some of this is from his grandmother and some of it is from me. I just happened on the cute overalls and got such a deal that I couldn't resist. This goes to the same baby that gets the frog trash can.

Frogs for Len

I recently purchased SCAL to use with my cricut. A friend told me how wonderful it was so I took the plunge and got it. This afternoon was the first time that I used it. I can already tell it was a good investment and I have tons to learn.

Another friend has a grandson that will be born very soon and they are doing the nursery in frogs. I thought how neat to decorate a trash can using vinyl and cutting frogs with my cricut. I found a frog I liked and went to town. I really like the way it turned out. This will also serve as the gift bag. I will share the other items I made for Len another day.