Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Herb Garden

I am trying something a little different this year. I made a herb garden. A friend gave me a starter kit for Christmas so I planted the seeds a few weeks ago. I talked to someone about a larger container for my garden and she suggested galvanized tubs from Lowes. I was told to drill holes in the bottom and along the sides of the bottom of the tub. My husband did that for me. After the container was ready to go I added the dirt and the plants. My little plants are still not very sturdy so you can see that they are falling over. I am hopeful in a few days that they will straighten up. Hopefully I will have parsley, cilantro, chives and oregano. How nice it will be
to have fresh cilantro for my salsa.

My husband and I worked in our front flower bed all this morning. We expanded it, added new border and I rearranged the flowers. We tried to get rid of all the monkey grass. We will see how long it takes for it to come back. I will post a picture in a few days.


Anonymous said...

Looks good.

Anonymous said...

I also planted a herb garden a few weeks ago. Mine is not as cute and neat as yours..but...the kids and I had fun planting.