Friday, August 20, 2010


I have always made my own roux. It was just something about browning the oil and flour and putting that chopped onion in at the end. Oh, I can smell it now. Then I saw this powdered roux and thought I would try it. It is from Opelousas, my husband's hometown, and it has 0 fat grams. Another thing is Savoie is a name that is always a good sign for cajun food. Well, I want you to know I tried it and we were pleased. I do believe that there will be a jar in my pantry from now on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Janet, we have always made our own Roux but we use the thick roux in a jar by Savoire. It really is good. Your gumbo looks awesome - I can smell it from here. Thanks for your kind words concerning my dad.