Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Rocker for Stuart

I shared earlier that our daughter will have our first grandchild in February. As the time draws near, we are getting excited to welcome Stuart in our family. Each of our daughters received a rocker from their grandparents one Christmas. We have kept both rockers for future grandchildren. We climbed in the attic during the holidays and brought Susan's rocker down to get it ready for Stuart. Yes, I know it will be quite a while before he can use it, but it will be special in his room.

 I don't know why the rocker was never painted. I guess we just didn't take the time. I do know that the girls used them  a lot in their younger years.
Stuart's Pawpaw sanded and then painted the rocker

 The rocker is all freshly painted. I guess when you are retired it is easier to take care of details like painting.
 I added Stuart's name using vinyl letters that I cut with my cricut. Now his bear has a special chair.

While I had my cricut out I went ahead and added his name to a small trash can. We must try to make everything special. :)

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