Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stuart's First Visit

Stuart and his parents came to visit us this weekend. Stuart is our 7 week old grandson and this was his first trip. We anxiously awaited his arrival on Friday.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday. I wanted a picture of Stuart with flowers that came from his great-grandfather's flower bed many years ago. I am not sure what he thought about it.

Stuart met our dog, Coco. Coco was very curious and didn't like it when Stuart cried.

You can see that Stuart made his Pawpaw and Nana very happy this weekend. We are ready for another visit soon.


Karen said...

Aww how sweet. He's a big boy! Precious pictures.

Chasity Cryer said...

He's such a cutie! Looks like yall had a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Your family is so blessed - he is such a beautiful baby. Enjoy every minute of time with him.