Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have been busy working the past two weeks and haven't noticed much in our yard. The weather has been so nice and warm but I just know that winter isn't over. I usually wait until March to work in my flower beds, so I don't give much attention until then. This morning as I was leaving something caught my eye. I was a bit confused. Flowers blooming in January?!
 This is one of several irises that I have blooming in my front flower bed. These flowers normally bloom in spring....not in January. After I got home, I went out and took a few pictures.
 I was surprised that these gerber daisies have survived.  Looked pretty good considering the time of the year.
 Pansies thrive in cool weather so these are suppose to be pretty now. I love their little smiling faces.
Here is another random flower blooming outside. I was amazed at how many things were blooming and our trees are budding. I know that we will have more cold weather and there goes the flowers. After I took the pictures this morning, we had major storms move through our area. I don't know if any of the blooms survived. I can't wait until spring officially arrives!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Janet - go to the following
At the top click on South Beach
Go down till you find Egg Muffins
The recipe I used was Egg Muffins
Revisited. However, I have found so many variations - type in egg muffin in pinterest and great recipes turn up. Enjoy!