Monday, August 23, 2010

More Baby Things

First, I want to apologize about the poor lighting of my pictures.
A couple of months back I made some gifts for Kylie. Evangeline is her cousin, so it was a must that she have some neat things as well. I know their grandmother is going to have fun with two granddaughters so close together. I can already hear the giggles in the years to come.

Try to stay cool in this horrible heat.

Friday, August 20, 2010


I have always made my own roux. It was just something about browning the oil and flour and putting that chopped onion in at the end. Oh, I can smell it now. Then I saw this powdered roux and thought I would try it. It is from Opelousas, my husband's hometown, and it has 0 fat grams. Another thing is Savoie is a name that is always a good sign for cajun food. Well, I want you to know I tried it and we were pleased. I do believe that there will be a jar in my pantry from now on.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Max will make his debut very soon. I don't know what his parents would want and there wasn't a special request, so I just had fun. I used blue and brown for the colors. I love the little dog and every little boy needs a best friend. I hope they like their special gift.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Christmas In August

Many years ago my mother-in-law had someone monogram towels for us with holly and our names were in red. We still have those towels. I thought it would be fun to do some for children. I made them early so I could deliver them when we make a trip next month. The children will be given the towels after lunch on Thanksgiving Day. They will be able to enjoy them during the entire holiday season.

The first set is for a brother and sister. I used a gingerbread boy and girl for them. This will be cute hanging in a bathroom used by both children.

The next set of towels are for three brothers. I love the reindeer and it something masculine for the boys.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Something Different for Everyone

I have been making a lot of things for babies the past few weeks. Everyone is doing something different. This baby's nursery is a western theme. I found this fun fabric at Hobby Lobby and just couldn't resist.

Jase's dad is a big hunter so I thought camo would be appropriate for the new baby boy.

Brayden's nursery is being decorated with different sports. Football season is almost here so that is why I chose this particular ribbon and applique. He also has a big sister awaiting his arrival.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sweet Baby Things

I have been busy making different things for all the new babies. I haven't been able to share because of internet issues. I won't even go there. Hope you enjoy the items I have had fun making.