Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birthday Gifts

Don't you just love pretty packages? I do. I have a friend whose birthday is today and I know she likes the colors pink and green together. That is why this gift is wrapped using those colors.

 I wanted to make her an apron. I looked for fabric with a french flair and found this one with Eiffel towers on it, My friend was a french teacher for many years and she loves anything french. Perfect fabric added to a black towel and white rick rack to enhance the waist made for a good combo.

I found the spreaders in early January and they were the real inspiration for the selection of fabric.
Isn't it fun giving gifts?
Happy Birthday! I am glad you like your gift.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oh my goodness I do love my gift. I love aprons and wear them all the time and I love Eiffel towers. Perfect gift for me plus the cute cute spreaders. I'll have to work hard on your gift :)