Friday, August 31, 2012

Roger is Here!

Monday afternoon we welcomed Roger into our family. He was born around 12:50 and we got to meet him shortly afterwards. My husband and I were the only ones in the waiting room on Monday. Our son in law and the nurse stopped by on the way to the nursery for us to get a quick look. It was amazing when I returned to the hospital on Tuesday that the waiting area was packed and the number of babies had doubled! 
We feel like we are on an adventure with two grandsons. Stuart has taught us that little boys are different from girls. I am always on the go when I have Stuart. I treasure the time I get to spend with him and look forward to the time I will have with Roger.
I just love this picture. If Roger is anything like Stuart, he will adore his pawpaw.
Can you tell Nana already has her hands full? Stuart was tired of the pictures and was ready to move on. We are very thankful that mom and baby are doing well.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big Bro and Little Bro

Tomorrow is the day we meet Roger. We are so excited! I will now be sewing for two little boys. The first matching shirts they will wear are little bro and big bro. I liked this applique because it was a little different.

 Of course, Roger's is a onesie and Stuart's is a big 18 month.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Burps, Bibs, and Blanket

 We have been a little busy this month. We kept our grandson, Stuart, a few days to give his Mommy some rest. I have worked and my husband has returned to coaching football after 15 years. I am learning to never say never! Never would I have dreamed that I would be sitting on high school bleachers as a coach's wife again. Last night I went to the jamboree and realized it had been 31 years since I had gone to a game without a child. Having said all that I want to share some of Roger's new things.
 I just took fabric and designs I already had to make burps and bibs.
 I had purchased the thank heaven for little boys a while back and wanted to use it for Roger. He has to have a football in honor of his pawpaw.
 You can pick up such cute bibs and just add a name.

Loved this little blanket and it screamed little boy to me. Added his name to make it his very own. Can't wait to meet this little fellow.
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I wanted to do some onesies for Roger. His mommy wanted me to do one with a bow tie and suspenders. I found a bow tie, but not with suspenders. I decided to use ribbon for the suspenders. I had to be sure and measure the ribbon long enough so his shorts or pants will cover the bottom to give the look she wants.
 I think it turned out cute.
This one has the circle with the alligator and name. I used brown gingham for the circle and green for the gator. I haven't done too many onesies, but once you start it's so much fun.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Wreath for Roger

 I wanted to make a wreath for Susan to have when Roger is born. I am not the most creative person but I thought I would give it a try. I looked at several on Pinterest and combined two. I liked the burlap and ribbon but decided to add the wooden letter.

I went to Hobby Lobby and bought the supplies I needed. I found the burlap in the Christmas ribbon section. I picked up some extra blue and brown ribbon as well. I had a good bit in my stash, but wanted to be sure that I would have enough to make it nice and full.

It wasn't hard at all. I wrapped the foam wreath with burlap and then added the ribbon so it would be half way around. I didn't measure the ribbon because I found that the length would be determined by the type of ribbon. Hope that makes sense. I then painted and added the R. I am pleased for this to be my first try.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


 This is Roger, our youngest grandson. Roger Cannon Edminson will arrive in this world on or before August 27. His big brother is Stuart.
 I made Stuart's diaper bag from an Amy Butler pattern and said that I would not make another one! Guess what? I did and this time it was so much easier. Susan picked out this fun fabric with cars.
 I used the blue to embroider his name and I wish I had outlined it with brown. Oh well, I don't think Roger will care.
 I lined the inside of the bag with brown fabric. This bag has all sorts of neat pockets and dividers. It also has outside pockets on each end of the bag.
 I made a burp cloth using the same fabric and some coordinating fabric.
Roger's mom has his bag all packed and ready to go. And yes, I will be happy to make another one if ever needed,