Friday, August 31, 2012

Roger is Here!

Monday afternoon we welcomed Roger into our family. He was born around 12:50 and we got to meet him shortly afterwards. My husband and I were the only ones in the waiting room on Monday. Our son in law and the nurse stopped by on the way to the nursery for us to get a quick look. It was amazing when I returned to the hospital on Tuesday that the waiting area was packed and the number of babies had doubled! 
We feel like we are on an adventure with two grandsons. Stuart has taught us that little boys are different from girls. I am always on the go when I have Stuart. I treasure the time I get to spend with him and look forward to the time I will have with Roger.
I just love this picture. If Roger is anything like Stuart, he will adore his pawpaw.
Can you tell Nana already has her hands full? Stuart was tired of the pictures and was ready to move on. We are very thankful that mom and baby are doing well.


Karen said...

Congratulations! There's nothing better than being a grandmother. God has truly blessed your family with two healthy boys. Enjoy!

Janet said...

Thanks, Karen! I guess one truly doesn't understand until they have their own grandchildren.