Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lemon Mint Tea

 It is the time of year that we start craving flavored teas and
other drinks that are cool and refreshing. I started making
lemon mint tea a few years ago and it has become a favorite.
 You will need to pick up some mint flavoring at the
 grocery store unless you use mint leaves. I like to use
the flavoring and garnish with the leaves.
 Also, add a can of pink lemonade concentrate to your list.
 This recipe is one that I had saved from Southern Lady.
The recipe is as follows:
3 1/2 quarts cold water, divided
3 family-size tea bags
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 (12-ounce) can frozen pink lemonade concentrate, thawed
Garnish: fresh lemon slices
In medium saucepan, bring 1 quart water to boil; remove from heat. Add tea bags and mint;
cover, and steep for 5 minutes. Strain tea into large container. Add sugar, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Add lemonade concentrate and remaining water; stir to mix well. Serve over ice. Garnish with lemon slices, if desired. Add fresh mint leaves if desired.
Janet's Version
 I use decaffeinated tea and substitute splenda for the sugar. I also don't use quite that much sweetener. Instead of using the fresh mint leaves I add several drops of mint flavoring. I use the mint leaves for garnish.
This makes close to a gallon, but you will need a lot because most folks want more than one glass.
 Enjoy that glass of tea while you read, explore Pinterest, etc.
I couldn't help but share my notebook that I stored all my goodies in. I would put each page in a protector and pull them out in when I needed or used them. This was before Pinterest and days of pinning.


Karen said...

I've got my mint so I'm ready!

Janet said...

Glad you got your mint! Doesn't it smell wonderful?